Healthy Skin,

Beautiful you

Pampered yourself to a royal treatment in facial and skincare with our professional consultant.

About Us

Professional Skincare just  right for you.

Our skin is constantly exposed to harmful elements that can lead to dryness, oiliness, UV damage, and premature aging.  At Majesty Skincare we specilize in facial and skincare that can effectively revive and maintain your beautiful, healthy-looking skin. 


Royal  Skincare

Brown Spots & Hyperpigmentation

Damaged skin cells produce extra melanin. If this melanin clumps, it can create dark spots (often brown, black, gray or red) on your skin. Skin treatments can help you restore an even tone and complexion.

Loose Skin

A natural decline in collagen production causes your skin to lose its elasticity and allows fine lines and wrinkles to settle on the face. Non-surgical treatments can help tighten the texture of the skin for rejuvenated appearance.

Don’t let your stress file up!

Relax, Enjoy, Rejuvenate! Book an appointment now!

“I had my first facial with MajestySkincare and it was absolutely amazing!! I asked her a million questions and she was so nice and informative. I highly recommend going here to get a facial, my skin has never looked so good.”

A. Compbell, Student, UFT

“Let me tell you, she does the most perfect extractions and left my face glowing just in time for my bachelorette trip. Seeing MajestySkincare on a monthly basis is the best decision I’ve made, she’s so sweet, helpful and I always look forward to seeing her!”

H. Mendez, Manager, CIBC

“Over the last year or so, I developed rosacea and my acne from my teens came back to haunt me. On top of those issues, the ever changing  seasons each have a different negative effect on my skin (ex.harsh sun in Summer, cold wind in Winter). My dermatologist kept treating me with medications that felt as though they were eating through my fair, sensitive skin. With  MajestySkincare suggestion, my face looks and feels amazing. My dry, ruddy winter skin has transformed into soft, moisturized, glowing skin.  Thank you MajestySkincare!”

G. Miranda, Customer Service, CanadaPost